Converting hex string to an integer

Peter Hansen peter at
Sat Aug 28 23:25:08 EDT 2004

Michael Hudson wrote:

> Peter Hansen <peter at> writes:
>>Rick Holbert wrote:
>>>Derek Fountain wrote:
>>>>Given the character string "0x00A1B2C3" arriving at sys.argv[1] how do I
>>>>convert that to an integer which I can do some math on?
>>>i = eval(sys.argv[1])
>>That's dangerous advice to a newbie if not qualified carefully.
>>Derek, "eval" could be the source of serious security problems
>>if you don't understand its power.  Specifically it should
>>almost never be used for input that comes from a user or
>>via the command line.  There is pretty much always another
>>and much better way to do the simple stuff like conversions
>>than to use eval.
>>For example, imagine if a malicious could feed your program this:
>>(on the Linux command line)
>>   $ myscript "__import_('os').system('rm -rf /')"
> Well, in this situation, he could just type
> $ rm -rf /
> But, yes.

He could if he were on the same system, but it's quite possible
that sys.argv[1] in this particular program is actually coming
from a remote system in some manner (web?).  But, yes.  :-)


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