drop into the interpreter

Ray Buvel rlbuvel at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 08:15:06 EDT 2004

Hoang Do wrote:
> is there a facility to inspect the run-time of a python script?
> Essentially, it would execute a script to a set specific point and then drop
> into the interpreter.  Something like a "Stop" or "Break"?

This can be done fairly easily by creating a module (lets call it 
interactive) with the following code in it.
import sys,os

def debug_exception(type, value, traceback):
     # Restore redirected standard I/O
     sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__
     sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
     sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__

     # Kick the interpreter into interactive mode and call the original
     # exception handler.
     os.environ['PYTHONINSPECT'] = '1'
     sys.__excepthook__(type, value, traceback)

sys.excepthook = debug_exception

Now if you import this module and raise an unhandled exception, you will 
be in interactive mode.  In other words, I think the following script 
does what you are asking for.

import interactive

raise RuntimeError('Interactive Mode')

This also has the advantage that if there are no unhandled exceptions in 
your script, the script runs and terminates normally.

Ray Buvel

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