newbie: confused with example in Learning Python 2nd Edition: cananyone give a hint
Paul Rubin
Mon Aug 23 21:57:59 EDT 2004
"Robert Brewer" <fumanchu at> writes:
> > So: why defitions of self.push and self.pop are defined as
> > 'data.append' rather than '_data.append', etc.
It's an error. It should say _data.append.
> Hint: Python doesn't have variables like other languages do. The line:
> self._data = list(data)
> does not make a copy of "data". Instead, it binds a new name
> (self._data) to the same object which the name "data" refers to.
The list function does make a copy.
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Jul 24 2004, 19:45:58)
[GCC 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)] on linux2
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>>> j=[9,8]
>>> a=list(j)
>>> a is j
>>> j.append(2)
>>> j
[9, 8, 2]
>>> a
[9, 8]
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