Python future performance and speed

Aahz aahz at
Mon Aug 23 13:58:46 EDT 2004

In article <278de0e.0408221450.324e8178 at>,
Neuruss <luismg at> wrote:
>Excuse me?
>It seems that you're missing the point. There's nothing wrong with my
>way of thinking, which is not "narrow" at all.

Yes, it is.

>I love Python. It's an excellent, fun, clear, well designed language
>and it is fast enough for 90% of the cases. But you can't deny that
>for some problem domains, it is slow. Very slow.

That's true.  If that's what you'd said in the first place, nobody would
have argued with you.  However, this is what you said:

    It seems there are quite a few projects aimed to improve Python's
    speed and, therefore, eliminate its main limitation for mainstream

If you're going to make a claim that speed is Python's main limitation,
you'll need to provide evidence to support your assertion.

>I didn't want to start a silly thread to discuss wether python is slow
>or not. It is. Period.

Nope.  Speed is relative.  Is a car slow?  Depends whether you're trying
to go five feet, five miles, fifty miles, five hundred miles, or five
thousand miles -- and it also depends on the alternatives available for
traversing that distance.  Repeatedly claiming that Python is slow as an
absolute statement only shows your ignorance and unwillingness to listen
to other people.

>All the other comments on this thread, regarding the main limitation
>for python's acceptance are true, but speed is critical, and this is
>were all efforts should be concentrated.

That's nice.  If that's your belief, what are you doing to work on this?

>So my intention when I started this thread, was to learn more about
>these projects, read other oppinions, get some news, etc... I didn't
>mean to start a a nonsense discussion!

Believe me, I'm sympathetic to the fact that English is not a comfortable
language for you.  However, at this point, the problem appears to be a
thinking problem, not a language problem.  You simply hold an opinion at
odds with the experience of many expert Python programmers, and it's one
that is almost guaranteed to start an argument.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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