Advanced printing using win32ui in python - help!

Michael Foord fuzzyman at
Tue Aug 10 07:38:08 EDT 2004

Darcy Kahle <darcykahle at> wrote in message news:<XEUQc.48836$Vm1.1127573 at>...
> I am trying to do some advanced printing in python using the win32ui 
> module, and have run into an issue.  
> Can anyone recommend to me how I could either specify the page to be in 
> landscape mode, or rotate the text that is printing?  Any assistance 
> that you can provide is greatly appreciated, and I am certain that there 
> are others out there that want to know how to do this as well.
> BTW, I am currently using WinXP and Python 2.3, but the solution should 
> be accessible via Win98 and up.  I plan to use py2exe to run the final 
> product on other windows boxes.

I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you..... but there is a big need
for a straightforward 'print module' for windows....

It's something I have on my list to look at 'sometime' - hopefully by
finding an existing library to wrap.



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