python-dev Summary for 2004-08-01 through 2004-08-15

GerritM gmuller at
Tue Aug 24 16:13:48 EDT 2004

"Brett Cannon" <bac at OCF.Berkeley.EDU> schreef in bericht
news:mailman.2274.1093330945.5135.python-list at
> These stats along with the insane amount of email has showed me
> something; the Summaries have detracted from my participation on
> python-dev this past year.  I have a bigger mouth and more opinions than
> the number of emails I sent to the list show.  This means something has
> to change, and it isn't going to be my mouth.  The Summaries need to
> change in one of two ways.
> Option two out of all of this is people just say, "summarize what you
> want, Brett."  Then I just cover what I find interesting and just don't
> worry about covering a specific area.  I obviously prefer this option
> but if people really care about a specific area I want to make sure to
> cover it.  What will most likely happen is I will still cover almost
> everything but the thoroughness will be lower.  I will go more off of
> memory for example.

Yes, please cover what you find interesting!
I prefer to read something with a personal taste in it.
Please don't be replaced by a thorough bot that does a mechanistic
summarizing job.
I always like your summaries.

kind regards, Gerrit

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