Larry Wall & Cults

Tassilo v. Parseval tassilo.von.parseval at
Fri Aug 27 01:13:19 EDT 2004

Also sprach Otto Wyss:
> Tassilo v. Parseval <tassilo.von.parseval at> wrote:
>> It would, if anyone could take Xah Lee Loo seriously. But really, no one
>> can. He's more like the court jester, creeping out of the dark every so
>> and so months. We're all very much enjoying his sporadic shows. Really.
>> ;-)
> No offense but could you add some references so anyone can make up is
> own opinion?

For instance this one:


Pay particular attention to the fact that he's whining about a certain
feature of a Perl module but posts not only in comp.lang.perl.misc but
also in the scheme, lisp, python and ruby group.


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