Regular expression problem with groups

Gerardo Herzig -Departamento de Proyectos Especiales e Internet- Facultad de Medicina gherzig at
Tue Aug 17 16:11:38 EDT 2004

El Lun 16 Ago 2004 12:08, Axel Kowald escribió:

When use .+, the regex engine try to take the longest posible match, so now .+ 
matches the entire `bla` variable. You need some  sort of separator (space 
perhaps) and then you can group:

you can try'([^ ]*) \\1', bla) 
instead. Watch the [^ ]* meaning "anything but a single space", then the space 
(as a separator) and last a escaped \1.

Works on python 2.2 under Linux.
> Hi everybody,
> I have a 'simple' problem with regular expressions. Maybe someone can
> help me.
> import re
> bla = 'the the'
> obj ='(.+) \1',bla)
> should now be 'the'. Instead obj is none (python 2.3
> under windows and 2.1 under linux). The problem seems to be the \1
> where I try to reference the first group. However, every tutorial says
> this is the correct way to do it !?
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong ?
> Many thanks,
>                Axel

Gerardo Herzig
Departamento de Proyectos Especiales e Internet
Facultad de Medicina

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