Killing children

Laura Conrad lconrad at
Sat Aug 7 06:46:22 EDT 2004

>>>>> "Dennis" == Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfraed at> writes:

    Dennis> p = os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, "/usr/bin/python", "python", "",
    Dennis> '/dev/ttyS0', 5)

    Dennis> 	Pardon, I've not checked the details of os.spawnl()
    Dennis> (or others) but does it translate numeric arguments (the
    Dennis> 5) to a format usable for argv (if C) command line?

    Dennis> 	Maybe the spawned process is dying on its own before you can
    Dennis> kill it because it wants a quoted '5'?

That was it; thanks.

Laura (mailto:lconrad at , )
(617) 661-8097	fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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