A Revised Rational Proposal
Batista, Facundo
FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Mon Dec 27 08:26:33 EST 2004
[Dan Bishop]
#- * Binary operators with one Rational operand and one float or Decimal
#- operand will not raise a TypeError, but return a float or Decimal.
I think this is a mistake. Rational should never interact with float.
#- * Expressions of the form Decimal op Rational do not work. This is a
#- bug in the decimal module.
Can you tell me where? (or submit a bug in SF). Thanks.
#- * The constructor only accepts ints and longs. Conversions
#- from float
#- or Decimal to Rational can be made with the static methods:
#- - fromExactFloat: exact conversion from float to Rational
What ExactFloat means to you? For example, what should
Rational.fromExactFloat(1.1) should return?
And we starting here the same long discussion that lead decimal to not be
created from float because it never would be clear what it will do.
#- - fromExactDecimal: exact conversion from Decimal to Rational
Rational already is created from strings like "2.33", so use str() over the
Decimal, not a special method:
>>> import decimal
>>> decimal.Decimal("3.44")
>>> str(decimal.Decimal("3.44"))
>>> import rational
>>> rational.Rational(str(decimal.Decimal("3.44")))
Rational("344 / 100")
. Facundo
Bitácora De Vuelo: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog
PyAr - Python Argentina: http://pyar.decode.com.ar/
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