cookie lib policy how-tp?

Riko Wichmann riko.wichmann at
Tue Dec 7 09:56:18 EST 2004

dear all,

i try to retrieve information from a secure web site. I use cookielib 
and urllib2 for this exercise which works to a certain level. I can 
authenticate myself and read the top-level page.

However, from here I need to load a page which is dynamically build from 
information available from the page source on the top level. The desired 
info is inside a <form> tag which seems to be used by a javascript 
routine. But when I look at the page source retrieved with urllib2, the 
information I need to build the next URL is mssing.

When I use opera to access this page by hand and look at the sources, I 
see the full sources when letting opera identify itself as MSIE 6.0. 
When using Mozilla 5.0 I get the same in-complete source file as with 
The desired info is included in a <form> tag.

Also, when accessing the web page using opera with those two identities, 
I'm asked to accept 2 cookies in case of MSIE6.0 and only one for 
mozilla. So, I suspect, the problem is somehow related to the cookies 

I saw, that I can chance the cookie policy in cookielib. Maybe that will 
do the job. However, I don't quite understand what I have to do for that.

Any hints or other thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Thanks and cheers,


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