Python IDE

petrilli at petrilli at
Wed Dec 15 09:50:03 EST 2004

Tomas wrote:
> "Fuzzyman" <fuzzyman at> wrote in message
> news:1103042553.334292.39420 at
> > If you're willing to pay for one, Komodo is very good. Especially
> > projects.
> I would recomend Wing IDE over Komodo. My experience is that Wing IDE
> far better code completion. And the Source Assistant feature of the
> professional version is very useful.

I would also recommend WingIDE, and I use the Professional version.
It's not cheap ($175), but neither is most people's time.  The
completion is generally excellent (far head of Komodo, which always
felt sluggish), it has an excellent debugger, works with Zope if you
want to, and has some nice remote-debugging capabilities.  Also
SourceAssistant is lovely.

As Tomas pointed out, though, and my single biggest complaint... no
version control integration.  I really hope they add CVS *AND*
Subversion support soon. Oh yeah, and if you buy the Professional
version, you can get the source-code.

Eric3 also looks good, though a bit fewer features for productivity
than Wing, but more "flash" (like their package tree).
Just my 2 cents --- and fast devaluing.


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