Civilization IV uses Python for scripting

Carl Banks imbosol at
Fri Dec 10 22:18:31 EST 2004

Terry Ready wrote:
> "*Civilization IV* [Sid Meier's latest, due out next year] has been
> designed to fully support the mod community. The game is written
> flexible XML data files and the Python scripting language so modders
> have no trouble at all creating their own personalized worlds, units,
> techniques, and historical events. Advanced modders will even be able
> control the AI."

Advancement: PYTHON
Requires: Computers, Mythology
* Increases revenue generated by capitalization by 300%
* Makes two unhappy citizens happy
* Renders all Wonders of the World in all other countries completely
* Boosts production of Research Lab by 150%
* Gives all military units a 200% increase in attack power, 100%
increase in defense, and a tenfold increase in accuracy
* Decreases corruption by 50% in every city.
* Decreases the maintenance costs of the following buildings by 1:
- Airport
- Bank
- Factory
- Harbour
- Hydro Plant
- Mass Transit
- Nuclear Plant
- Power Plant
- SDI Defense
- Stock Exchange
- University
* Scientists' science output increased by 50%
* Entertainers luxury output increased by 50%
* Automatically decreases the morale in every city of all countries
that have PERL advance but not PYTHON by 50%


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