consequences of not calling object.__init__?

Steven Bethard steven.bethard at
Tue Dec 28 14:24:16 EST 2004

John Lenton wrote:
> in the code that follows, instances of E haven't been through D's
> rigorous initiation process
> .    class C(object):
> .        def __init__(self):
> .            print "C"
> .
> .    class D(object):
> .        def __init__(self):
> .            print "D"
> .            super(D, self).__init__()
> .
> .    class E(C, D):
> .        def __init__(self):
> .            print "E"
> .            super(E, self).__init__()

Ahh, there's the example I was looking for. =)



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