list IndexError

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Thu Dec 23 10:21:56 EST 2004

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

>Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
>>>yeah actually i saw what Fedrik had to say above. I created a sliced
>>>copy of the l & did my homework within the for loop
>>You might want to check it again before you hand it in ;) ...

>that's not the code he quoted in the mail you replied to, though...
Ah, my mistake, I missed the [:] after the source argument that was 
taking a copy... which brings up the question, how many other people 
would miss it?  Guess it's just a matter of how often you see the 
pattern, so you begin to expect the [:] and either look for it or take 
it for granted (hmm, another source of bugs?).

Apologies for any unnecessary alarm,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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