how to start a new process while the other ist running on

Jean Brouwers mrjean1ATcomcastDOTnet at
Tue Dec 21 20:30:49 EST 2004

See the os. spawn* functions.  For example

  os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, /path/to/script, args)

/Jean Brouwers

In article <cqagr2$365$1 at>, Erik Geiger <Erik.geiger at>

> Hi,
> sorry, my english ist not that got but I'll try.
> I have a running python script (capisuit This script shall
> start a linux shell script. If I start this script like os.system(/paht/to
> the python scipt waits for the exit of the shell script and
> then goes on with the rest of the python script.
> How to start a shell script without waiting for the exit of that shell
> script? It shall start the shell script and immediately execute the next
> python command.
> Thanks for any hints
> Erik

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