Execute code after death of all child processes

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Dec 24 13:11:18 EST 2004

"Markus Franz" <mf1987 at arcor.de> wrote in message 
news:576fb15a.0412240314.13b6ca6f at posting.google.com...

I am a little puzzled about your variable declaration and use:

> import sys, os, time
> texts = ['this is text1', 'this is text 2']

You don't seem to use 'texts',

> for current_text in env_sources[0:]:

or define 'env_sources',

> pid = os.fork()
> if pid == 0:
> time.sleep(2)
> print current_text
> break

so I don't see how this could run (even with indents inserted back).  What 
am I missing?

Terry J. Reedy 

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