lies about OOP

Eric Pederson whereU at
Tue Dec 14 08:40:07 EST 2004

> From: "Jive" <someone at> wrote:

> Just how old *is* his school?  I saw the light in the 70's.  For those 
> of
> you too young to remember, those were menacing and sinister days, when 
> pant
> legs were too wide at the bottom, and the grotesque evil of "top down
> programming" was on the land.  But by '86, the Joy of OOP was widely 
> known.
> Flowers bloomed and birds chirped.  Pant legs narrowed.

You had to go there.  You had to put down my brother, the bell bottom.

Next thing one knows you'll be maligning paisley (the artist's hand-drawn fractals...) or Fortran!

Eric Pederson
ePrefix="".join([chr(ord(x)+1) for x in "do"])

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