A Revised Rational Proposal
Batista, Facundo
FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Mon Dec 27 08:19:42 EST 2004
[Dan Bishop]
#- I disagree with raising a TypeError here. If, in mixed-type
#- expressions, we treat ints as a special case of rationals, it's
#- inconsistent for rationals to raise TypeErrors in situations
#- where int
#- doesn't.
I think it never should interact with float. Rational is being precise by
nature, and it should be made explicit when losing information (by the user,
using float() to the Rational or str() or repr() to the float).
. Facundo
Bitácora De Vuelo: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog
PyAr - Python Argentina: http://pyar.decode.com.ar/
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