Python To Send Emails Via Outlook Express
Ganesan R
rganesan at
Mon Dec 20 05:17:18 EST 2004
>>>>> "ian" == ian <ian at> writes:
> Hi Ganesan
> Wow, I'm REALLY impressed with the high level of support in this forum.
> (Another great reason to continue learning Python <grin>
Well, I am a Linux guy myself. I experimented with win32com a bit a couple
of weeks back, so I am trying my ideas on you ;-).
> I tried what you suggested. After trying a different from/to address the
> message is sent. But it is NOT sent via Outlook Express.
s.Configuration.Load(cdoSourceOutlookExpress) only loads the OutlookExpress
configuration. It does not use Outlook Express to send. I am surprised why
your original from and to address settings didn't work after calling the
Load() method.
I did some more reading. Unlike Outlook which you can automate by getting
the application object using CreateObject("Outlook.Application") and
automate it, Outlook Express is not a COM server.
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