need some help with threading module...

chahnaz.ourzikene chahnaz.ourzikene at
Thu Dec 30 05:44:50 EST 2004


I fixed the code, it runs under Linux but not under windows 0_o ??! i guess
windows and Linux do not handle threads the same way.

However, i don't have the result i excpect.

Please have a look here :

## In this little program, i'm trying to find a way to yield data from a
thread within another
## thread, where both threads are NON-COOPERATIVE.
## To do so, i imagined an application launching two threads : a subject (to
yield data from)
## and a controller that will try to yield data from the subject. The
controller has a link
## with the subject, so he can call his methods and ask him to return the
desired data.
## The problem is that it appears that on windows systems, this program
idles and crashes after
## some seconds. On linux systems, this program runs but not the way i
figured : the two threads
## seem not to run in parallel...
## Look at the controller code : his job is to call the subject's methode
"count()" and compare
## the returned data to a threshold he's exepcting to reach. If the count
method of the subject
## returns a number less than threshold, than the controller loop again (in
a recursive function)
## until the subject's count method returns a number greater or equal to
threshold or the recursive funtion
## runs "limit" times ( to avoid unlimited recursive calls ).
## Now look at the subject code : his only job is to increment a counter in
a recursive methode.
## This counter is retrieved within the controller code via the count()
methode of the subject.
## When that counter reaches "threshold" (defined in the controller), the
controller returns.
## Execute the following code to see the result. You'll find someting like
this under linux :
######> controller waiting...  0 loops
######> controller waiting...  1 loops
######> controller waiting...  2 loops
######> controller waiting...  3 loops
######> controller waiting...  4 loops
######> controller waiting...  5 loops
######> controller waiting...  6 loops
######> controller waiting...  7 loops
######> controller waiting...  8 loops
######> controller waiting...  9 loops
######> controller waiting...  10 loops
######> controller waiting...  11 loops
######> controller waiting...  12 loops
######> controller waiting...  13 loops
######> controller waiting...  14 loops
######> controller waiting...  15 loops
######> controller waiting...  16 loops
######> controller waiting...  17 loops
######> controller waiting...  18 loops
######> controller waiting...  19 loops
######> controller waiting...  20 loops
######> controller waiting...  21 loops
######> controller waiting...  22 loops
######> controller waiting...  23 loops
######> controller waiting...  24 loops
######> controller waiting...  25 loops
######> controller waiting...  26 loops
######> controller waiting...  27 loops
######> controller waiting...  28 loops
######> controller waiting...  29 loops
######> controller waiting...  30 loops
######> controller waiting...  31 loops
######> controller waiting...  32 loops
######> controller waiting...  33 loops
######> controller waiting...  34 loops
######> controller waiting...  35 loops
######> controller waiting...  36 loops
######> controller waiting...  37 loops
######> controller waiting...  38 loops
######> controller waiting...  39 loops
######> controller waiting...  40 loops
######> controller waiting...  41 loops
######> controller waiting...  42 loops
######> controller waiting...  43 loops
######> controller waiting...  44 loops
######> controller waiting...  45 loops
######> controller waiting...  46 loops
######> controller waiting...  47 loops
######> controller waiting...  48 loops
######> controller waiting...  49 loops
## controller : limit of recursive loops reached :
## threshold 20 never reached
## Subject : the counter is now 0
## Subject : the counter is now 1
## Subject : the counter is now 2
## Subject : the counter is now 3
## Subject : the counter is now 4
## Subject : the counter is now 5
## Subject : the counter is now 6
## Subject : the counter is now 7
## Subject : the counter is now 8
## Subject : the counter is now 9
## Subject : the counter is now 10
## Subject : the counter is now 11
## Subject : the counter is now 12
## Subject : the counter is now 13
## Subject : the counter is now 14
## Subject : the counter is now 15
## Subject : the counter is now 16
## Subject : the counter is now 17
## Subject : the counter is now 18
## Subject : the counter is now 19
## Subject : the counter is now 20
## Subject : the counter is now 21
## Subject : the counter is now 22
## Subject : the counter is now 23
## Subject : the counter is now 24
## Subject : the counter is now 25
## Subject : the counter is now 26
## Subject : the counter is now 27
## Subject : the counter is now 28
## Subject : the counter is now 29
## Subject : the counter is now 30
## Subject : the counter is now 31
## Subject : the counter is now 32
## Subject : the counter is now 33
## Subject : the counter is now 34
## Subject : the counter is now 35
## Subject : the counter is now 36
## Subject : the counter is now 37
## Subject : the counter is now 38
## Subject : the counter is now 39

from threading import Thread
class Subject(Thread):

    def __init__(self,loops = 100) :
        self.counter = 0
        self.recu_loops = 0

    def run(self):

    def incrementCounter(self,n=1) :
        self.counter = self.counter + n

    def doIteratingStuff(self, ntimes = 300) :
        for i in xrange(ntimes) :
            print "Subject : the counter is now", self.counter

    def doRecursiveStuff(self,ntime = 80) :
        if self.recu_loops < ntime :
            print "Subject : the counter is now", self.counter
            self.recu_loops = self.recu_loops + 1

    def count(self):
        return self.counter
class Controller(Thread):

    def __init__(self, objectToControl, limit=100, threshold=20) :
        self.controlled = objectToControl
        self.recursive_turns = 0
        self.limit= limit
        self.threshold = threshold

    def run(self):

    def stopCounting(self):
        if self.recursive_turns < self.limit :
            print "######> controller waiting... ", self.recursive_turns,
            self.recursive_turns = self.recursive_turns + 1
            if self.controlled.count() >= self.threshold :
                print "controller : threshold", self.threshold, "reached"
        else :
            print "controller : limit of recursive loops reached :"
            print "threshold",self.threshold,"never reached"
class Application (object) :

    def __init__(self) :

    def launch(self) :
        self.sub = Subject(loops=40)
        self.control = Controller(self.sub,limit=50,threshold=20)
a = Application()

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