create lowercase strings in lists - was: (No subject)

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Fri Dec 17 05:40:07 EST 2004

Mark Devine wrote:

> I got the script working. Thanks for all your help everyone. Trouble is
> its not showing the correct results. Here is the script and results:

In my book it is not working then.

> def normalize(text, unwanted = "()", table =
> string.maketrans(string.ascii_uppercase,string.ascii_lowercase)):
>     text.translate(table,unwanted) 

Strings are immutable in Python. Make that

  text = text.translate(table, unwanted)

This line of the script's output could have given you a clue:

> [Set(['a', 'C', 'b', '(D)']), Set(['A', 'B', 'D']), Set(['A', 'B', 'E'])]

(I didn't look any further, so there may be other problems)


PS: Do us a favour and (a) don't top-post (b) use space not tabs in your
source code (c) remove all text quoted from the parent that is not relevant
to your current problem.

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