os.walk walks too much
Marcello Pietrobon
teiffel at attglobal.net
Fri Feb 27 14:51:04 EST 2004
Hi Steve,
Steve Lamb wrote:
>On 2004-02-25, Peter Otten <__peter__ at web.de> wrote:
>>dirs[:] makes a slice containing all elements, i. e. a shallow copy of the
>>complete list, so the loop is not affected by changes to the original:
>>>>>dirs = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
>>>>>dirs == dirs[:] # equal
>>>>>dirs is dirs[:] # but not the same list
> Better way to make it crystal clear.
>{grey at teleute:~} python
>Python 2.3.3 (#2, Jan 13 2004, 00:47:05)
>[GCC 3.3.3 20040110 (prerelease) (Debian)] on linux2
>Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>>real = [1, 2, 3]
>>>>copy = real[:]
>[1, 2, 3]
>[1, 2, 3]
>>>>for x in real:
>... print(x)
>... real.remove(x)
>>>>real = [1, 2, 3]
>>>>for x in real[:]: # IE, same as using copy
>... print(x)
>... real.remove(x)
> To the original poster, the reason changing the list you're iterating over
>is because the index doesn't move along with the data in it. So in the first
>loop 1 and 3 are printed, 2 is left. Why? Assign indexes do the data. This
>is most likely not how Python does it internally but this is good to show what
>[1, 2, 3]
> 0 1 2
> First run through x is one but it got it from the first index, 0. So x is
>1. Then you remove 1 from the data set so now it looks like this.
>[2, 3]
> 0 1
> So now Python moves on in the loop, it grabs the next index which is 1.
>However, since you've changed the list that index now points to 3, not 2. It
>grabs 3, prints it then removes it. So now we're left with:
> 0
> Since it's already done 0 the loop ends. By using a copy you're using the
>copy to preserve the indexing to the data while you manipulate the data. Hope
>this clears it up. :)
I thought intuitively something like that, but your help has been...
helpful ! :)
Can I ask you one more thing ?
It is surprizing to me that in
for x in real[:]
dirs[:] creates a copy of dirs
dirs[:] = [] - empty the original list
dirs = [] - empty a copy of the original list
I understand ( I think ) the concept of slicing, but this is stil
surprizing to me.
Like to say that when I do
for x in real[:]
this is not using slicing
dirs[:] = []
is using slicing
Maybe I just making a big mess in my mind.
It looks like assignments in Python and C++ are pretty different
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