6 Qustions about Python: Does it do GUI? more...
k4bda at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 13 09:30:29 EST 2004
I just discovered Python and looked briefly at one of the tutorials
for beginners...
It looks a lot like the old Command line Basic... I'm sure it does
much more but...
1 - Can you create windows, buttons, user input fields, etc as you
can with Visual Basic?
2 - Can you call Windows Procedures or what ever they call them
these days?
3 - Can you create your own objects with a bunch of methods and
4 - Can you create a Windows program that looks and feels like a
Windows program?
5 - Does it come with a compiler or must the user have the
interpreter on their machine?
6 - Why another language? Easier than C or C++ or Visual C ?? More
powerful than Visual Basic or the competing Borland productg?? Why
I'm interested as I never really took the time to become much of a C
programmer (or C++ or Visual C) - I've done lot's of assembly
language/embedded processor stuff & years ago Basic and some Visual
Basic... before .net... and wondered if Python would do me for some
projects I have always wanted to do?
Thanks for any info.
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