Custom operator

mathias.foehr at mathias.foehr at
Fri Feb 6 01:56:28 EST 2004

I want to define new operators because mathematicians use special operators (
         eg circle plus (+), circle times (*), arrows ->
) since centuries. It increases readability in this area and people have 
got used to it.

By the way, are there hooks in python to preprocess a statement before the 
python compiler
takes care of it?


At 11:07 PM 5/2/2004 +0100, Gerrit wrote:
>mathias wrote:
> > I would like to define a custom operator in Python.
> > (It is not about overloading an existing operator but about
> > defining special new operators)
>You cannot define new syntax in Python.
>This is on purpose, Python would be a different language if it could.
>"import this"
>Why do you want it?
>PrePEP: Builtin path type
>Asperger's Syndrome - a personal approach:

Mathias Foehr et BĂ©atrice Gennart
69a, route de Kreuzerbuch
L-8370 Hobscheid
GD Luxembourg 

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