Locate python home
Peter Maas
fpetermaas at netscape.net
Wed Feb 25 09:43:45 EST 2004
Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
> Thomas Aanensen wrote:
> Never trust the assumption:
> >>> import os
> >>> os.path.isfile( os.path.join(os.path.dirname( sys.executable ),
> 'python.exe' ))
> False
If Thomas wants to find the console version he should start a
console script: python checkpath.py (assuming python is in the
PATH). sys.executable delivers always the executable that executes
the script. If python is not in the PATH there's no safe way to
find python.exe as far as I know.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Peter Maas
Peter Maas, M+R Infosysteme, D-52070 Aachen, Hubert-Wienen-Str. 24
Tel +49-241-93878-0 Fax +49-241-93878-20 eMail peter.maas at mplusr.de
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