Confused about hasattr/getattr/namespaces

Brian Roberts brian at
Sun Feb 29 13:48:21 EST 2004

I'm confused about the use of hasattr/getattr, or possibly
namespaces.  I know how to do this:

class UnderstandThis(object):
    def do_foo(self): pass
    def do_bar(self): pass
    def doit(self, cmd):
        funcname = 'do_' + cmd
        if hasattr(self, funcname):
            getattr(self, funcname)()
            print 'not found'

But if I try to do this with classes in a module (instead of
functions in a class):

class FooGenerator(object): ...
class BarGenerator(object): ...

def generate(cmd):
    clsname = cmd + 'Generator'
    if hasattr(???, clsname):

I don't know what to use for ??? instead of self.  If I print
globals() inside generate() it shows the two classes, but using
it in the hasattr line doesn't work -- huh?  I can make it work
by wrapping the generate function in a (otherwise useless) class
and using self -- again, huh?

Couldn't find an explanation or example in the docs.  In fact,
the description of vars/globals/locals (in section 2.1) just
confused me even more.  Think I'm heading down the wrong path.
Can somebody please un-confuse me?


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