xmlprclib/server not reusing connections
Christian Tismer
tismer at stackless.com
Thu Feb 26 11:38:13 EST 2004
Roger Binns wrote:
>>It works just *great* with wxPython. There are a few objects
>>which need a little care since they only live on the C stack
>>(mouse events for instance),
> I don't understand how that is relevant. Do I have to recompile
> wxPython to use stackless? You also didn't mention anything
> about the other libraries (win32all, pySerial, m2crypto, libusb)
I answered about the stuff I tried. Ok, I forgot win32all,
it works fine, too.
No, wxPython doesn't need to get recompiled, but mouse events
are dead when the stack is moved away, so you have to create
extra objects before handling the event in a different tasklet.
> Also, does stackless work with threads? I use a seperate
> thread to do serial port stuff, and need to have the user
> interface running at the same time. The serial port stuff
> consists of reads with 5 second timeouts (the GIL is released
> during the read).
Yes it does. At the moment, threads are just ignored, and each
has its independent list of tasklets. This si going to change, since
I will write channels for inter-thread communication, and tasklets
which are nomading across threads.
ciao - chris
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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