python memory usage
Peter Maas
fpetermaas at
Tue Feb 17 06:14:02 EST 2004
Ivan Voras wrote:
> Why didn't you just make a python script that does nothing (maybe
> something like "while 1: pass")?
Fifo was simpler than writing three scripts for tcl, perl and python.
And I wanted a clean comparison with Perl waiting for data from stdin,
a zero test case.
> It cold be ok, but the second rss number seems a bit low. Here (Python
> 2.3, FreeBSD 4.9) it looks like this:
> tty-interpreter mode: rss: 2684, vsz: 3460
> running the one-lined empty loop script: rss: 2212, vsz: 2992
> "running" an disconnected fifo: rss: 1296, vsz: 1992
Similar results on my machine:
python one-lined empty loop rss: 2148 vsz: 3608
perl one-lined empty loop rss: 1112 vsz: 2756
tclsh8.3 one-lined empty loop rss: 1096 vsz: 2316
Strange that starting an empty loop makes such a difference for python.
Anyway, the numbers are in a reasonable range, unlike the 18 MB than
came up in a discussion. Thanks for comparing.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Peter Maas
Peter Maas, M+R Infosysteme, D-52070 Aachen, Hubert-Wienen-Str. 24
Tel +49-241-93878-0 Fax +49-241-93878-20 eMail peter.maas at
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