py2exe failed for running compiled service
Peter Teniz
peter.teniz at
Wed Feb 11 14:49:24 EST 2004
thanks a lot thomas for your quick answering
- this was my newbie-fault!
the service registers fine while starting
D:\Project> FBservice -install -user: pteniz
D:\Project> net start FBserver
py2exe is a really helpful tools for me - great work!
Thomas Heller wrote:
> Peter Teniz <peter.teniz at> writes:
>>hi, i'm trying to generate a service for win XP / win 2k with
>>python2.3.3 + win32all-163 + py2exe0.5.0
>>(also tried with pywin32-200.win32-py2.3)
>>running the console-script "" with python-interpreter and as
>>EXE-prog goes well.
>>running the service-module "" with python-interpreter also
>>works fine
>>but after comiling with py2exe (with no warnings or errors!) i get on
>>every host the same error message
>>when trying to execute the FBservice.exe
>> > FBservice.exe
>>Connecting to the Service Control Manager
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "" line 158, in ?
>>pywintypes.error: (1063, 'StartServiceCtrlDispatcher', 'Der
>>Dienstprozess konnte keine Verbindung zum Dienstcontroller herstellen.')
>>has anyone an idee, what to do?
> This is not a bug.
> Services are supposed to be started by the system - the windows service
> control manager. They have to be registered before, and the exe accepts
> some command line switches that help with this.
> You can run the service exe with the '-help' command line switch to list
> them:
> Usage: MyService.exe <options>. Valid options are:
> -help
> -install
> -remove
> -auto
> -disabled
> -interactive
> -user: <arg>
> -password: <arg>
> C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\py2exe\samples\advanced\dist>
> So, first you install your service exe with this command line:
> 'MyService.exe -install'
> The other switches -auto, -disabled, -interactive, -user and -password
> allow to specify additional service options.
> After that, the service can be started with 'net start myservice' or
> with the services applet in the control panel.
> Thomas
> PS: If this seems not appropriate, it can be changed by hacking the
> py2exe/ script.
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