self-extracting installators in Python?
Harald Massa
cpl.19.ghum at
Thu Feb 5 07:33:24 EST 2004
>It is really great thanks!
> Anyway, I don't like the fact that it creates a separate "program" in
> the
> Add/Remove dialog on Windows :( I don't want any of my patches to be
> placed there ... Can I avoid it?
please do your research on
That is the inno setup home page, and inno setup is doing this additions
to "add/remove" dialog.
next: the world leading pc software manufacturer puts his patches into
"add/remove Programs dialog" on windows. And in corporate installations
it is not a bad idea ... imagine the dialog
"did you install Patch xxxx?"
"how can I know?"
"look at Settings, control panel, software..."
next: the lines in add/remove program are nothing more than registry
And google python modify registry will lead you to some samples of
removing that key AFTER installation
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