Finaly found a simple enough task for python, took the plunge, but.....
samirw at
Tue Jan 6 22:43:45 EST 2004
It did get rid of the blank window but it also does not appear on the task bar(
or get focus), but I can ALT+TAB to it.
maybe it is my Vind-Blows 95.
Thanks , Sam.
vincent wehren wrote:
> "Sam" <Sambo at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:3FFB5312.1030803 at
> | Only 2 weeks messing around with it ( thanks to programs like SYNCHRONEX
> and
> | BITORRENT ), and already trying to create windows ( the paths are just too
> long
> | for me to want to type them ).
> | After much trial and error I finaly got the following code to open the
> 'get dir'
> | dialog , but I am getting another blank window titled 'tk' and "NOT
> | When I kill it (end task), I get reiniit/restart (CTRL+F6) in my shell
> window
> | What am I doing wrong? Do I need to do anythink to clean up after using
> the
> | dialogs?
> Take a look at the tkFileDialog module. Or better, use it for convenience.
> It already provides some "standard" dialogs. You code would then look
> similar to:
> #-----------------------
> import Tkinter
> import tkFileDialog
> def me():
> root = Tkinter.Tk()
> root.withdraw() # do this to remove the "blank screen" you mention
> dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory()
> return dirname
> print me()
> #------------------------
> Vincent Wehren
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