Python vs. Io

Daniel Ehrenberg LittleDanEhren at
Sat Jan 31 15:20:52 EST 2004

> Perhaps it isn't more flexible.  On the other hand, it does allow anyone 
> to read your code and know that there isn't any magical syntax that is 
> usable on one Python x.y installation, that isn't on another.
>   - Josiah

What are you talking about? There's tons of new "magical syntax" in
Python. Examples for "magical syntax" features that don't work on
1.5.2 include:
*List comprehensions
*String methods
*Emulating numeric types
*Nested scopes
* * and ** in function declarations
*for line in this_file
*Subclassing types

There's tons of stuff still being added to Python.

Daniel Ehreberg

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