ProtoCiv: porting Freeciv to Python CANNED

Brandon J. Van Every try_vanevery_at_mycompanyname at
Thu Jan 15 00:11:40 EST 2004

"Andrew Dalke" <adalke at> wrote in message
news:1AjNb.8936$1e.894 at
> Brandon J. Van Every:
> > Is there something fundamentally *wrong* with recognizing how useless
> people
> > are to your purposes?
> Nope.  But if you blabber it to everyone in the manner you have
> then when you do need someone else's help you're less likely to
> get it.

Hello, *what* planet are you on?  You think there's some crowd of people out
there just waiting to be useful to me?  There isn't.  That's what I've just
taken 6 months to determine.

> It's made even worse when you make claims related to your
> profession (like "Even 12 years ago, "Computer Graphics: Principles
> and Practice" didn't teach texture mapping.

It didn't.  I have my copy still, and there is no discussion of texture
mapping algorithms in it.  It was considered "an advanced subject."

> Along came DOOM.") which is proveably false for several reasons

Whatever dude.  I could care less about such chronologies.  So, why are you
here then?  Why are you wasting our time, talking about the finer points of
my personal history?  I'm here because I just watched Return Of The King,
just installed a modem, and just finished a few slices of pizza.  <BUUUURP!>

> )
> because then people tend to remind others of your follies to show
> that your knowledge is less than you think it is.

You are here out of a need to remind myself and others of my knowledge or
lack thereof?  Wow, what an important job.  Hats off to you.

Brandon Van Every           Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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