NEWBIE: Sub-classes revisited

Gabriel Genellina gagenellina at
Fri Jan 2 19:49:03 EST 2004

At 31/12/2003 15:47, you wrote:

># IN MOD_1.PY
>class B:
>     def __init__ (self):
>         self.B_init_var = 1
>     def B_meth(self):
>         self.B_meth_var = 2
># IN MOD_2.PY
>import mod_1
>class A(mod_1.B):              # B needs to be qualified
>     def __init__(self):
>         mod_1.B.__init__(self) # Needs to be qualified
>         self.B_meth()          # But B's method doesn't
>         print self.B_init_var  # Just to be sure
>         print self.B_meth_var  # Ditto

Apart from trial-and-error and self-discoving things, which is really good, 
you should read the Python Tutorial which is very good too. If you did 
already, do it again, specially section 9 (Classes).

>Is the following true?
>1. When A is instantiated, B's name space is exposed
>    to A.

No. Python uses dynamic binding. If you come from a statically-binded 
language like Java or C++ this may be confusing. In Python, the attributes 
and methods are searched *looking*inside*the*instance*, not by knowledge of 
some prior declarations of type.
At the beginning of A.__init__ the 'self' parameter has been constructed, 
and you can use its attributes and methods (as far as nothing depends of 
__init__). By example, you can use: self.B_meth()

>2. B is not instantiated when A is,
>    therefore B's init is not run.

No. The object is already constructed; __init__ is an initializer, not a 
constructor. See above.

>3. If A can't find B_meth in it's own namespace,
>    it looks in B's namespace.

Yes. And if not found there, in its parent and so on. See section 9.5.1 in 
the Python tutorial.

>4. If one attempts to run B's init in A's init,
>    using self.__init__(), one is in for a long wait...:)


>5. B's init in A's init must be qualified to prevent #4

Yes, and to specify *which* init you want to call, in case of multiple 

>6. The proper terminology is:
>    'A inherits B's methods and attributes'

Yes. Maybe a purist would object something but it's ok...

>7. An init in B is of limited usefulness.

Why? B.__init__ should do whatever is needed to properly initialize class 
B. Usually you inherit to specialize behaviour. In you 
have class HTTPServer which inherits from TCPServer which inherits from 
BaseServer; each one has its own responsabilities; altough you could have 
written all that stuff in just one class, that would be difficult to reuse 
or modify.

>8. If all one needs is to 'declare and inialize'
>    variables common to a number of classes, one
>    really doesn't need a base class,
>    just a module containing the 'constants'.
>    But if there are methods which are semi-common
>    to all sub-classes, and can be overidden or
>    extended to do the job, then it makes sense to
>    use inheritance.

Mmm, no. In an OO environment, classes are used to build a *model* of 
something, you *design* using classes and inheritance and hierarchies and 
composition and delegation... Look for any OO design introduction.

>9. Inheriting variables (only), then (always)
>    over riding their values in the sub-classes
>    doesn't save memory.

I don't understand this. You can save some memory if you declare default 
values for attributes inside the class (*not* assigning them to self), As 
far as they are never changed, they are shared by all instances. Is this 
what you mean?

class Example:
     x = 1

class Example2(Example):
     x = 2

a = Example2()
print a.x       # prints 2
b = Example2()
print b.x       # prints 2; both refer to the same shared attribute
a.x = 3 # now 'a' contains its own instance attribute
print a.x       # prints 3

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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