ANN: WMI 0.5
Tim Golden
tim.golden at
Tue Jan 20 07:22:32 EST 2004
Python WMI Module - CHANGES
What is it?
The Python WMI module is a lightweight wrapper on top of the win32all
extensions, and hides some of the messy plumbing needed to get Python to
talk to the WMI API. It's pure Python and should work with any version of
Python from 2.1 onwards (list comprehensions) and any recent version of
Where do I get it?
What's Changed?
17th Jan 2004 v0.5
+ Added support for the WMI Registry interface. The new
module-level Registry method returns a WMI registry
object whose methods include EnumKeys, CreateValue &c.
There are a couple of examples in the cookbook.
15th Dec 2003 v0.4
+ Added machines_in_domain (from a post to python-win32 by "Sean")
+ Factored out moniker construction to make it easier to support
use of StdRegProv to update registry. (Coming soon).
+ Added support for a timeout on the event watcher; timeout is
specified in milliseconds and raises x_wmi_timed_out on a
call to the watcher object. This allows for the possibility
of pumping for waiting messages to prevent eg, the PythonWin
IDE locking up. See the docstring for the watch_for method.
+ Added connect_server function, making it slightly easier to
construct a WMI object, eg with username and password.
10th Jul 2003 v0.3
+ Changes by Paul Moore to allow a ready-made WMI Services
object to be passed in (WMI.__init__).
+ This header and the __VERSION__ number added by Tim G.
9th Jul 2003 v0.2
+ Sundry changes by Tim G, including but not limited to:
- support for moniker parts (WMI.__init__)
- creating new instances of WMI classes (
- passing return value back from wmi methods (_wmi_method.__call__)
- better COM error-handling (handle_com_error)
5th Jun 2003 v0.1
+ Initial release by Tim Golden
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