win32com - .ocx won't Dispatch...

Ray Schumacher rays at
Fri Jan 30 19:15:30 EST 2004

At 10:40 AM 1/31/2004 +1100, Mark Hammond wrote:
>Ray Schumacher wrote:
>>So, the util class Dispatches, but all calls (properties and functions) 
>>give 'Catastrophic failure'
>>Is this really some sort of types problem with this OCX?
>>"pywintypes.com_error: (-2147418113, 'Catastrophic failure', None, None)"
>My guess is that your OCX is a true OCX, and therefore needs a full GUI 
>environment.  Pythonwin can host these - see the pythonwin\pywin\demos\ocx 
>directory, and modify one of these to suit. wxPython can also apparently 
>host OCX controls in a similar way, but I have no details.

Thank you Mark, I'll look into it next week, for now, I got the DLL drivers 
to work with ctypes.

I'll post examples soon.



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