Optimized quoting (was Re: Speed?)
Michael Hudson
mwh at python.net
Mon Jan 5 11:56:41 EST 2004
aahz at pythoncraft.com (Aahz) writes:
> In article <mailman.43.1073115353.12720.python-list at python.org>,
> John Hunter <jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu> wrote:
> >
> >Donald Knuth, God of Computer Science, said "Premature optimization is
> >the root of all evil".
> If Knuth is God, then Hoare is God's father:
> "Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
> --C.A.R. Hoare (often misattributed to Knuth, who was himself quoting Hoare)
> "We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time:
> premature optimization is the root of all evil." --Knuth restates Hoare
This is from "Structured Programming with goto Statements", and he's
not quoting Hoare at this point. Really!
Or here's an even simpler indicator of how much C++ sucks: Print
out the C++ Public Review Document. Have someone hold it about
three feet above your head and then drop it. Thus you will be
enlightened. -- Thant Tessman
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