Printing variable names
mike at
Sun Jan 18 19:28:18 EST 2004
Thanks for the info. That does clear up a few things for me.
This is what I'm trying to accomplish:
Basically I have a list of pointers to functions (or whaterver it's called in
Python). Something like this:
commands = [func1, func2, ...funcN]
This is in a script that I use to test an embedded system through the comport.
I call the script with the command number (func1 etc...), which calls the
corresponding function, which sends a command to the embedded system.
I'd like to be able to call the script with --help and have it spit out
the list of commands (the names func1, func2 etc...).
Mark McEahern <mark at> wrote in message news:<mailman.479.1074455535.12720.python-list at>...
> Mike wrote:
> >mylist = [a, b, c]
> >
> >I want to print out the names of the variables in mylist (not the
> >values of a, b, and c). How do I go about doing this. Thanks.
> >
> >Mike
> >
> >
> There's no simple answer to this. Consider the fact that you can have
> more than one name bound to any given mutable instance. What if:
> a = range(10)
> b = a
> mylist = [a]
> what name do you want printed for the first item in mylist--'a' or 'b'?
> One idea is to use a dictionary instead. Then:
> for key, value in mydict.iteritems():
> print '%(key)s = %(value)s' % locals()
> I'm curious what problem you're trying to solve.
> Cheers,
> // m
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