ANN: Snakelets 1.21 (simple-to-use web app server with dynamic pages)
Irmen de Jong
irmen at
Sun Jan 11 18:02:16 EST 2004
I'm happy to say that Snakelets 1.21 is available, which
contains some important fixes since the last version.
--- WHAT IS IT ---
Snakelets is a Python web application server, mainly for educational
purposes (but it works fine, mind you). This project provides a threaded web
server, Ypages (HTML+Python language, similar to Java's JSPs) and Snakelets:
code-centric page request handlers (similar to Java's Servlets).
It is possible to run Snakelets off a CD (read-only mode).
Snakelet's focus is on understanding the way dynamic web sites are created
(the code is very compact and easy to understand), and make this process as
easy as possible, while still providing a rich and powerful server
It's released under the open-source MIT Software license.
--- DOWNLOAD ---
You can download from
(go to the SF project site, and then the file section).
To start, you can edit the vhost config file (see docs, not required)
and then run the script, or the script if you want to
start it as a daemon (on Unix).
--- FIXES ---
Important changes since 1.20:
* virtual host config has been disabled by default, Snakelets
will use the old webapp loading method without vhosts.
* fixed some issues related to virtual hosts:
external port (when running behind a forwarding proxy),
url retrieval methods, better config check, manage menu.
* fixed bug in '/'-related forwarding on Windows
* fixed some socket connection problems
* it's possible again to reload a web application
* example webapps now have a proper index.html/index.y start location
* fixed package name clash in test webapp: snakelets is now tsnakelets
* mp3 streaming possibilities are now complete (by album/year/etc)
--Irmen de Jong.
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