RELEASED: allout-vim 031229

Samuel Walters swalters_usenet at
Mon Jan 5 11:32:06 EST 2004

|Thus Spake John J. Lee On the now historical date of Mon, 05 Jan 2004
16:13:55 +0000|
> Of course, you don't always get the whole truth from dictionaries.  I
> remember my sister and I laughing at the translation in our school French
> textbook of "zut" as "bother".  "Bother" must be the mildest swearword (if
> you can call it that) in the English language -- comically so.  We were of
> the opinion that a word that's so clearly designed to be spat must be at
> least two notches up in vulgarity.  :-)


Mon aƩroglisseur est rempli d'anguilles.

(shamelessly stolen from )

Never forget the halloween documents.
""" Where will Microsoft try to drag you today?
    Do you really want to go there?"""

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