Typed Python?

Jakub Fast kfast at poczta.onet.pl
Thu Jul 8 09:41:45 EDT 2004

Jacek Generowicz wrote:

> Ville Vainio <ville at spammers.com> writes:
>>>>>>>"Jakub" == Jakub Fast <kfast at poczta.onet.pl> writes:
>>    >> Currying:                     lambda x,y : f(x,y,1,2)
>>    Jakub> lambda x: lambda y: f(x,y,1,2)?
>>    Jakub> but then
>>    Jakub> (lambda x: lambda y: f(x,y,1,2))(3, 4)
>>    Jakub> won't work.
>>Of course it won't. It's the difference b/w taking 1 and 2 parameters.
> Which is pretty much the point of currying.
>>(lambda x: lambda y: f(x,y,1,2))(3)(4)
>>will work.
>>I guess you will see that e.g in haskell
>>f 1 2 
>>does exactly this:
>>((f 1) 2 )
>>    Jakub> so much for currying?
>>Well, no.
> Well, yes.
> In Haskell, both
>     f 1
> and
>    f 1 2
> will work, while in Python you have to install the plumbing yourself
> every time.

which is exactly what I meant.... :) With lambda x,y you can't just 
curry the function. You can with lambda x: lambda y:, but then you can't 
do regular application with it.

however, do take a look at 
which is getting in for 2.4 (?)


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