QTimer and PyQt

Gabriel Cooper gabriel.cooper at mediapulse.com
Tue Jul 20 09:06:14 EDT 2004

Adrian Casey wrote:

>2.  At timeout, check if any fields have changed (using the isChanged()
>method.) and if so, reset the timer.
Wouldn't this defeat the purpose of your login? e.g. I log in to your 
app, edit something, step away for 3 hours, bob comes in, clicks OK on 
the edited dialog and voila, still validated in the system.

Why not simply pop up a password box when the OK button is pressed if 
the user is no longer logged in?

As in:
User starts app and validates himself via a password
User edits a record (or whatever)
User stops typing for 3 minutes.
You let the timer expire.
User clicks OK.
User has no access, so pop up a password dialog appears to re-validate him.

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