Emacs python mode indent levels

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Jul 14 23:46:07 EDT 2004

    John> Another language where indentation is significant is Haskell.  The
    John> emacs Haskell mode has an excellent solution to the problem:
    John> Pushing <tab> cycles through the various possible indentations.

    John> Does anyone know if anything like this is possible with Python
    John> mode?  Or are there any other popular solutions?

Probably. <wink>...

Feel free to file a feature request with the python-mode project on
SourceForge.  If we get to it, we get to it.

Speaking of which, if you find reviewing and responding to bug/patch reports
for Python beneath you, perhaps you'd like to hone your ELisp chops a bit:


Feel free to review submissions, fix bugs, etc.  Operators are standing


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