hash() algorithm

Benoît Dejean bnet at ifrance.com
Fri Jul 23 15:13:26 EDT 2004

Le Wed, 21 Jul 2004 16:34:16 -0400, David Bolen a écrit :

> Benoît Dejean <bnet at ifrance.com> writes:
> I don't believe it's changed since at least 1.5.2, but I'm also pretty
> sure there are no guarantees that it will remain the same going forward.


> Also, how strong do you want your checksum to be?  That is, how much
> of a guarantee do you want that you'll be able to detect a change in
> the data by a change in the checksum?  MD5 will give you a really
> strong guarantee, hash() - whether stable/portable or not - will give
> you a reasonably weak guarantee since it's not built to be collision
> free.

i know this. i've been using md5 for a long time, i was just wondering if
... thank you all.

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