csv - how to parse a string, not a file?

Alex Hunsley lard at tardis.ed.ac.molar.uk
Sat Jul 10 15:50:25 EDT 2004

John Lenton wrote:

> On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 19:21:23 GMT, Alex Hunsley
> <lard at tardis.ed.ac.molar.uk> wrote:
>>I've using the csv module to parse a string, not a file.
>>So how do I make a string look like a file so I can call csv.reader()
>>with it?
>>An an example, I'd like to call something like:
>>csvReader = csv.reader("1,2,3,4")
>>.. but this direct attempt won't work as it expects a file or a handle...
> what is cStringIO?

I'm not sure, but if you google there are answers:



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