installing cx_Oracle

David Fraser davidf at
Tue Jun 8 06:42:00 EDT 2004

Rodrigo Daunaravicius wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Jun 2004 22:11:06 +0200, David Fraser wrote:
>>If you really need to get it working with 8.0.x libraries, you could try 
>>converting the call to OCIInitialize() and OCIEnvInit() calls.
>>You'll need to replace OCITerminate with OCIHandleFree.
>>In my experience these are the two main changes between 8.0.x and 8.1
>>You might find some help from the cx_Oracle authors, but the oracle docs 
>>are fairly good.
> Thanks, David. I successfully replaced the OCIEnvCreate() call, but still
> had problems with OCILobCreateTemporary(), OCILobFreeTemporary(),
> OCIUserCallbackRegister(), OCIUserCallbackGet(), OCI_UCBTYPE_ENTRY,
> OCI_UCBTYPE_EXIT and OCI_UCBTYPE_REPLACE. This amount of patchwork from my
> inexperienced hands would be asking for trouble, even if I could get it
> compiled.

Oh well, it was worth a try...

> An 8i installation, as Aurelio suggested, is unfortunately not an option.
> I'm now looking into ADO. I think it can fit the bill for my current
> project, though I'd prefer to use the python DB API 2.0.  

Aha! But you can... there are at least two DB API wrappers for ADO:

So your code remains DB-API compatible, and portable to other drivers, 
but gets to use ADO and support any database supported by that...


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