fast list search?
Dan Gunter
dkgunter at
Fri Jun 11 23:06:17 EDT 2004
How about using a dictionary, with the keys being the ints and the
values being the index in the 'list', i.e. len(dictionary). This is
quite fast:
>>> d = {}
>>> for i in xrange(0,500000):
... if not d.has_key(i): d[i] = len(d)
Javier Zaragozá Arenas wrote:
> I think the better way is sort before the list
> And then, a binary search
>>>point_of_insertion = bisect.bisect(thelist, item)
>>>is_present = thelist[point_of_insertion -1:point_of_insertion] == [item]
> >> if not is_present:
> .... thelist.insert(point_of_insertion, item)
> and done!
> Fco Javier Zaragozá Arenas
> "ramon aragues" <ramon.aragues at> escribió en el mensaje
> news:mailman.747.1086774432.6949.python-list at
>>I´ve got a list with more than 500,000 ints. Before inserting new ints,
>>I have to check that it doesn´t exist already in the list.
>>Currently, I am doing the standard:
>>if new_int not in long_list:
>>but it is extremely slow... is there a faster way of doing this in python?
>>Thanks a lot,
>>Ramon Aragues
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