Unicode perplex
John Roth
newsgroups at jhrothjr.com
Mon Jun 21 17:59:51 EDT 2004
"Ivan Voras" <ivoras at __geri.cc.fer.hr> wrote in message
news:cb7jks$9hv$1 at bagan.srce.hr...
> John Roth wrote:
> > The problem is that I've got a normal string where
> > the byte stream is actually UTF-8. How do I turn
> > it into a Unicode string? Remember that the trick
> does
> str2 = str.decode('utf-8')
> work?
[dirty word]. Thanks. I knew I'd seen it before
somewhere; it just didn't occur to me to look in
the obvious place. It sure ought to.
John Roth
> --
> What part of "Ph'nglui mglw'nath Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" don't
> you understand?
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