simplify printing of a list
beliavsky at
beliavsky at
Thu Jun 3 18:08:57 EDT 2004
To print a list with a specified format one can write (for example)
for j in [0,1,2]:
print "%6d"%j,
The code
print "%6d"%[0,1,2]
currently produces a syntax error, but it would be convenient if it
had the same meaning as the loop above.
One can write a function to print a list, for example
def print_list(x,fmt_x="%6d"):
""" print a list on one line """
for y in x: print fmt_x % y,
but it gets messy to print several lists on the same line.
In Fortran 90/95 one can write
print "(100i6)",(/0,1,2/)
where the format (100i6) means that UP TO 100 integers are printed
using 6 columns. An alternative suggestion I have for Python is to
print "100%6d"%[0,1,2]
with the same meaning.
I realize that what I am asking for is just a convenience, but it is
one that I could use in almost every program I write.
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